Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A blog of obligation

Today's post is short. Because I don't want to post at all. Because I'm tired and it's been one of those days I've been having lately where I have to recite the fruit of the spirit to myself before addressing my coworkers. One of those weeks composed of the days I just described. One of those months where I've committed to blogging daily, despite the trouble.

I sat on the floor in the hallway of my school yesterday with a 15 year old girl as she poured her heart out over a struggle she was having about a boy. She is the archetype young Christian girl who likes the archetype bad boy. She wants to save him. He's in and out of jail. She swears she treats her like a princess. He isn't responding to her pleas for him to change.  She doesn't know what to do.  Sitting on the floor, crying, she asked me what she should do. So I told her what I thought. I had been there, played that role and had some honest, older, experienced words for her. We talked, we hugged, she felt better - but she still had a decision to make.

I need that now.

I need someone - an older woman, maybe a decade or so my senior - to share with me their experience from being a twenty-something Christian, career-oriented single-parent who is experiencing frustration at work to tell me what she did. I need someone to sit on the floor with me while I cry my soul out to her. I need her honest, older, experienced words. Her talk. Her hug. I need to feel better.

Maybe then I'll feel like blogging....


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